
Mythos Monsters: Eldritch Evils for DnD 5E and Pathfinder 1E & 2E

Created by Legendary Games

Legendary monsters from China, Japan, India, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, & more for 5E, PF1 & PF2 with full VTT support!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Drivethru downloads seem like they aren't working! Setting up a new method.
over 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 06:18:36 AM

Hi all,

We got a ton of feedback that the DrivethruRPG download codes were not coming through for a lot of people, or were very hit and miss, with people getting some of them but not all of them. 

I'm going to set up some Dropbox folders for people to download files and see if that works better for folks. I'll also encourage everyone to make sure you've checked your spam and "promotions" folders in your email (if you have those; I know gmail does but not positive about others), as sometimes Drivethru messages land there instead of your inbox. 

Once I get the Dropbox folders set up, I'll send out mass emails to people who are getting each item, so that you'll be able to get them there. As a quick trial run before I grab lunch, I've used Kickstarter messenger to send out Dropbox links to backers with the following pledge levels:

Asian Monsters 5E (PDF and Print Bundle)

Asian Monsters and Adventures 5E (PDF and Print Bundle)

These messages are just for those pledge levels, so they don't include anyone who added those items onto a different pledge, but if you backed one of those pledge levels, check your KS messages and let me know whether you were able to access the links and the PDFs there. 

I'll send out another update once I've got the Dropbox downloads set up for everyone, which should be ready tonight or tomorrow morning. 

PDFs sent! More notes below!
over 1 year ago – Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 12:09:43 AM

Hi all,

Having downloaded the Kickstarter backer report, I've sent out all of the PDFs to backers whose pledges went through. We have a couple of oddities though:

1.  Errored/Unauthorized Pledges: We have an unusual number of pledges that did not go through. This could be a credit card placing a hold, an overzealous fraud checker (I've got a card that sometimes does that), being over a balance limit or transaction limit, expired card, non-matching security codes, or anything else. If you don't see your files on Drivethru, check on Kickstarter or with the credit card you used and make sure your card charge went through.  Kickstarter will automatically attempt to re-run cards I think at 48 hours and one week, but it's definitely easier to double check and make sure you are good to go. I'll recheck the backer report on Monday and see which errored cards have been fixed and get cards sent out on those. 

2.  PDF vs. Foundry VTT: A couple of our books on DrivethruRPG might be having a version conflict between the base version (PDF) and the Foundry VTT version. I've sent a message to Drivethru support to see if there's an actual issue or if it's just a labeling issue where the system is calling it the wrong thing. If you are getting Asian Monsters 5E, Mythos Monsters 5E, or Mythos Monsters PF2, check your downloads and make sure you've got the right thing. If you don't, we may need to wait until Monday to get tech to sort it out. 

3.  Backerkit: I'll be working on the survey this weekend and into next week and I hope to be able to send out the "smoke test" (sending out 5% of the surveys to make sure everything is working correctly) by Friday, and if everything is A-OK I can send out the remaining surveys the next day.

4.  860! This is just a fun little quirk, but both the Mythos Monsters and Asian Monsters second-run Quickstarters for 5E and adding Pathfinder 1E and 2E and full VTT support, ended up with exactly 860 backers. 

5.  And now, sleeeeppppp... Thanks to all of you once again for your fantastic support. Happy reading and happy gaming to all! 

The Final Week is rolling now!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 24, 2022 at 06:15:46 AM

And we thank each and every one of you for making this project fly, especially Chuck M. (backer #600), Stephanie C. (backer #700), and Nathalie O. (#800), plus Tim N. the verrrry last backer who got in just under the wire! We are delighted with your amazing support and hope you love your books and PDFs when you receive them! 

I've been out of internet range much of this week on a long-delayed family camping trip so just starting to catch up on Kickstarter messages. 

If you have a specific combo of books that you don't see in the pledges or add-ons: Not to worry, you'll be able to add whichever items you want in Backerkit, and if for some reason you're still not seeing what you need, just email me at [email protected] and I can set up a direct order (and Paypal request if needed) for exactly the items you want to get. 

When will I get my items:

1.  PDFs: I'm downloading the backer reports as we speak and will start sending out PDFs tonight via DrivethruRPG. When you go to DrivethruRPG, make sure you are logged in and check "My Downloads"; your items should be there. The distribution is not always immediate but should be quick, so if you don't have DTRPG files by tomorrow night let me know. In addition, once you complete your Backerkit survey and we lock orders and charge cards, you'll be able to download all your PDFs from them. 

2.  Print Books: We'll be sending out our Backerkit survey hopefully by the end of next week. In it, you'll enter your address, add extra items if you like, and pay for any shipping appropriate for your items. Once we have your survey in hand with your address and shipping paid, we can start sending out your books! 

3.  VTT Modules: There are some VTTs where we can create codes/keys ourselves and others where we have to request them from the company. We will most likely start sending out VTT codes after we receive Backerkit surveys. 

Thanks once again for your amazing support. It means the world to us, and we are excited and delighted to create fantastic game products for you for each of your (and our) favorite game systems with D&D 5E and both versions of Pathfinder! 

Around the turn and headed for home, and what comes NEXT!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 02:21:57 AM

We have just passed the halfway point of the Asian Monsters project and we are excited and delighted by the results! We appreciate the kind words from folks thanking us for making Pathfinder 1E and 2E versions of this beautiful bestiary available, and we thank all of you for helping make that happen, especially Julie W (backer 400) and Wally T (backer 500)!

The eagle-eyed backer Arcanist also pointed out that we had forgotten to make *print* versions of the three versions of Latin American Monsters available as add-ons, so that oversight has been remedied! Anyone who is not getting them as part of a pledge but wants to add them as add-ons (or wants extra copies to share with fellow 5E fans or Pathfinder players) can grab them now in PDF, Print, or for VTT!


We are hard at work in fulfilling past Kickstarters, with the final book in our Ultimate Warriors class compendium off to print approvals and ready to start shipping as soon as it clears processing there! Plus, new chapters are getting completed every week or so on the Ultimate Treasury, and we're looking forward to getting that book out to our overseas printers. That project got delayed due to having to restart the layout process with a new artist, and whenever possible we try to have our layout completed BEFORE launching a project.

That is very true with our next big project is coming your way next month, the Ultimate Faeries Kickstarter! This will feature *two* brand-new full-sized hardcovers each for DnD 5E and Pathfinder 2E, plus a bonus expansion for our existing Forest Kingdom Campaign Compendium for Pathfinder 1E!

The 304-page Faerie Bestiary is already finished in layout, and the PF2 version is finishing layout this week!

Once both bestiary versions are completed, we'll be starting layout on Faerie Campaigns for 5E and PF2, featuring tons of character options, spells, feats, magic items, new rules for faerie bargains, fey adventures, ready-to-use NPCs, and so much more! If you're using the fey in your campaign, this book will be an absolutely indispensable resource to make your game truly Legendary! 

We'll be sharing a project link soon but just wanted to whet your appetite for the next big Legendary project! Thanks so much for all of your amazing support and we look forward to a spectacular second half of the Asian Monsters Quick-Starter

Thanks so much for a fantastic first two days!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 03, 2022 at 11:34:28 PM

Thanks to each and every one of you for your support in making this project launch a success! We are excited and delighted by the response to all three systems with this bestiary book and wanted to send a special shout-out to backers Jett (#100), Heath (#200), and S (#300)! 

We are looking forward to getting your books, PDFs, and VTT modules to you with great swiftness! A couple of quick notes:

1.  Special Order Pledge Level: We had a number of folks who just wanted to get add-ons (like backers from last summer's 5E-only Asian Monsters project), were high-level Patreon partners, or were retailers, or might have had some kind of unusual situation. If that happens to be you, sign up for the $1 pledge level and go in and get the add-ons you want or email me directly at [email protected] with your Patreon information or your store location and the items you'd like to get at wholesale prices for retailers and I'll address your special order needs directly! 

2.  If you want more than one system: We already have 17 pledge levels and 23 add-ons across the three game systems in this campaign, and at a certain point the list can get overwhelming, so we don't have every possible combination of books listed. That said, I've created 6 new add-ons so you can easily add the Asian Monsters 5E, PF1, or PF2 to your base pledge. 

2a.  What about other combos and bundles? If you want to get other combinations of books for more than one system, you can simply add the amount for those other items to your pledge, either here in the Kickstarter or on your Backerkit survey, and we'll be able to get you what you need. You also can email me the details if there's something truly unusual or a particular combination of things you're trying to get that would be hard to create as a universal pledge level.

3.  Asian Monsters 5E Non-Mint Print: This is a special add-on we put in in case any of our backers wanted to pick up a lightly damaged copy of the book (several cases had a forklift accident while being delivered to us). If that might be you and you'd like to get an extra copy at half price or want to share with someone who won't mind a scratch, crease, or dented corner, add this to your pledge! 

Once again, thanks so much for your support and we look forward to sending out these amazing bestiaries to all of you soon!!!