
Mythos Monsters: Eldritch Evils for DnD 5E and Pathfinder 1E & 2E

Created by Legendary Games

Legendary monsters from China, Japan, India, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, & more for 5E, PF1 & PF2 with full VTT support!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Kickstarter Backer Report Exported Again, and Backerkit Orders Ready to Lock Soon!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Oct 06, 2022 at 12:52:17 AM

Hi all,

Today's Updates! 

  • Errored Pledges Clearing Up: We ran one more export on our Kickstarter Backer Report, happily moving 28 backers from errored pledges to finalized, with only 11 left who had some kind of card error in Kickstarter. For all those backers who got moved over to the "completed" section, I've gone through and sent our your PDFs via DrivethruRPG. If you were not able to finalize your transaction in Kickstarter, you can actually do it in Backerkit instead. It'll show up with your pledge amount and show how much was collected in Kickstarter. If that amount is $0.00 because your card had some sort of error, you should be able to fix your information and run the transaction through Backerkit and don't need to go back to Kickstarter to do it. 
  • Backerkit Surveys: We are now up to 75% of responses in to our Backerkit surveys, so we'll be locking orders probably tomorrow or Friday. Once we lock orders and charge cards, you'll be able to download all of your PDFs directly from there! This is also a friendly reminder that we'll be starting shipping soon, so make sure to double check your address so we can get your books headed your way! Shipping charges are collected in Backerkit, so make sure you've completed your survey so we can get those taken care of.
  • Good news for VTT Backers! Backerkit has a new tool that lets me send out product keys through Backerkit rather than having to manually email each backer with their respective keys. This is my first time using the new tool so I'll be working with their support to make sure it all gets done smoothly. I just found out about it so it's not set up yet but I should have it put together next week to send out codes for the respective VTTs people have chosen. I'll need to get counts first anyway for Roll20 and Foundry to be able to request codes from them (I can make my Fantasy Grounds and Shard). Should be an easier way than before so I'm looking forward to trying it! 

Thanks as always for your awesome support and we look forward to many more awesome projects together. As we've mentioned before, our Ultimate Faeries project is coming later this month, but we also wanted to give a little quick taste of our next Monsters Quickstarter project, currently aiming for January! 

We're thinking really hard about what it should be...

Backerkit Surveys sent!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Oct 03, 2022 at 09:26:06 PM

Most of our Smoke Test folks have replied and no problems detected thus far, so we've just sent out our surveys to everyone. Please check your email ASAP and return your surveys are your earliest convenience. Once we've got a good majority of our surveys in, we'll proceed to locking orders, charging cards, and then sending up the flare to lock addresses so we can get those finalized and start shipping your books to you! 

PS - If you are only doing a PDF order and for some reason the system asks you to enter an address and/or phone number (it's happened before; I don't know why), you can just add a dummy address like 123 My Street, Smallville, KS 12345, USA, phone number (123) 456-7890. Or enter your actual info for our system if you'd like for future projects. Either way is A-OK.

Smoke Test Sent! Check your emails!
over 1 year ago – Sun, Oct 02, 2022 at 04:41:05 PM

Hi all,

Our Backerkit survey has been approved and we've sent out the smoke test, which goes to 5% of our backers. A random selection of 43 backers should get their surveys tonight, so please check your email and reply ASAP so we can check and make sure everything is working properly. Assuming no problems, we'll send out the survey to everyone tomorrow evening. If you do see a problem, let us know right away and we'll get it sorted out! 

Thanks again for your fantastic support! 

Backerkit Survey submitted for review!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 11:53:52 AM

Hi all,

Just a quick update to let you know that our Backerkit survey has been submitted to them for approval, so hopefully we'll have it back and ready to go sometime on Friday. Assuming no major hiccups, we'll send out our "smoke test" then to 5% of our backers. We'll send an update to let you know when it's sent and would ask you to check your email for it to see if you're one of those receiving it. That's our chance to have real live feedback in case there's anything weird or hard to understand or glitching and then fix it before sending the survey out to everyone. 

If all is well, we'll send out the full survey to everyone on Saturday and would ask you to reply ASAP. It's a great opportunity to pick up some extra items you were thinking about during the Kickstarter, but even if it's simply a matter of entering your address and/or paying your shipping charges we appreciate your timely response.

Once we're up to around 75% response, we'll Charge Cards, which will process any amount remaining for shipping or add-on items. Once cards have been charged, then unless there's a problem with your card you'll be able to download all of your PDFs directly from Backerkit. Once cards are charged, we'll also start requesting VTT modules/keys and sending those out.

Last but not least, within a few days after that, we'll send out our notice to Lock Addresses. This is a time to double check anything about your shipping information so we can get it sorted and settled, including if there is any difference between the address you might have put into Kickstarter and the one you put into Backerkit. You'll have 48 hours and then all addresses submitted will be locked and we'll be ready to start shipping! 

Thanks once again for all of your amazing support and we look forward to getting your books headed your way ASAP! 

Dropbox links sent!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 03:29:23 AM

Hi all, 

We've sent out Dropbox links for all completed pledges (I also re-downloaded the backer report to double check which formerly errored pledges had been fixed since the original backer report download). Each link was sent as a separate email, so if for instance you ordered Asian Monsters 5E, Asian Monsters VTT Token Pack, and Eastern Journey Adventures, you'd have three separate emails, one with a link for each of those items. Because these emails were sent from our main email with a lot of BCCs, it's possible they might go to your spam folder; some email servers/filters are sensitive to emails with a lot of BCCs because they look like spam. A few notes:

1.  Dropbox has a certain maximum threshold on downloads per 24 hours, so if you already have your PDFs, please don't download your items again from Dropbox. This *probably* shouldn't be a problem for anything except maybe the Asian Monsters 5E module, but better safe than sorry. If you go to Dropbox and it gives you an error message like "too much activity" or something like that, we have probably bumped against that threshold and you'll have to wait until tomorrow to try downloading again.  

2.  VTT keys/modules have not been sent out; we'll be doing those (and print book shipments) once we finalize our Backerkit survey. Some VTTs allow us to create our own keys but others require us to go through a request process, and I'd prefer to do requests in one batch once we've got a final list of who needs them. 

3.  This week we are working on the Backerkit survey (got it started Sunday night and will be working on it more tonight and hope to have it completed in time to submit tomorrow for approvals). We'll let you know when it's ready to send to everyone! 

4.  If you still do not have your downloads, double check your spam folder first, then make sure your pledge transaction was completed, then circle back to check your DrivethruRPG downloads (just to make sure your items were not just delayed rather than not delivered at all). If those items are all no good, let me know and I'll figure out another solution for you! 

Thanks again for your support of this project and we hope you love your books and PDFs when you get them!